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Energy Trading and Investing

Wall Street Sign
Wall Street Sign
“Energy Trading and Investing:Trading, Risk Management and Structuring Deals in the Energy Market  by Davis W. Edwards”

A book review by Nicholas Newman.
Energy Trading and Investing: [Hardcover]

This book by Davis Edwards should really be called Energy Trading and Investing in North America, since it is
heavily focused on the United States. Even so, it is a useful book for those
seeking an introduction to this complex subject. It is written not to frighten
off the aspiring trainee market analyst, energy lawyer or energy journalist.
Energy Trading and Investing is written in plain jargon free English and without
the use of complex mathematics one usually associates with such

This book’s author Davis Edwards is MD of Australia’s
Macquarie Group, and has been responsible for many years for managing the
credit risks of its North American investments. It is designed for those
readers who need a clear basic understanding of the principles of energy
trading and investment.

To read more of this review http://www.oxfordprospect.co.uk/Energy-Trading-and-Investing.html